Posted by: redzoneadmin | October 9, 2008

Dune’s Exxon Statement

June 24, 2008
I heard about the US Supreme Court decision (on the 1989 Exxon spill)
while on the fishing grounds of Prince William Sound. Fishermen
(both men and women), Alaskans and Americans should be outraged and demand full accountability from our Courts and Exxon!

This was our nation’s biggest man made oil spill; Exxon has forever injured us– physically, mentally, spiritually, economically in our precious and once thriving habitat. Now, over 30,000 plaintiffs will never see a “fair and just settlement” from this technological disaster.

The 5 Supreme Court justices should be tarred in crude and feathered and run out of town. This proves that protecting “Big Oil and their net profits” is much more important than protecting the rights and way of life of hard working citizens, let alone protecting our rights to clean air and clean water.

This bad U.S. Supreme Court decision is absolutely horrifying and criminal. This settlement (approximately $15,000 each) amounts to one good day of fishing on the Sound. In 1989, Exxon came here and promised to make us “whole again,” yet did everything in their power and money to see that justice would never prevail.

We fishermen here in Alaska provide wild salmon meals for the planet. One would think that the people who are feeding the world one of the healthiest food resources on earth, would have our rights and way of life upheld and protected by the Courts.

We will continue to persevere and feed the people of the world, but from here on out we will never ever trust the oil industry, government or the courts. We now know that when disaster happens we will be the ones left to defend and restore our rights and way of life. This is a huge wake up call to ALL the people in America that our way of life is expendable under the “law.” It is up to us, as individuals, to protect our homelands and way of life, because our right to justice has been lost.
